Distribution of Food

As reported previously, due to extreme poor financial conditions, some villagers find it difficult to feed their children a healthy and nutritious diet. GIVE provides basic ration kits to such families.

GIVE sponsors food and prasadam distribution on a regular basis.

GIVE also does food distribution on special occasions and tithis (like birthdays, shraddha etc) to brahmins and sadhus.


Distribution of Blankets and Medical Assistance

GIVE distributed around 5500 blankets over the last 3 years to the poor in the Braj region. Due to lack of medical facilities in villages, GIVE distributed hundreds of First Aid kits as well as sponsoring several medical operations and treatments of poor Brajwasis and sadhus.

In the past 3 years we have donated over 5500 blankets in the Braj region

If you would like to support this important initiative, please donate as follows:

Account name:
London Institute of Vedic Education


Account number:

Sort code:
23 05 80


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