Sponsoring Gopis (Brajwasi girls)
In 2023 GIVE sponsored 367 girls (“gopis”) across Braj (which includes schools in Vrindavan, Barsana, Govardhan, Chatikara etc). £200 per Gopi covers the school’s tuition fees along with books, stationary and school uniforms for the full academic year.
GIVE uses a detailed student selection process to ensure that the gopis that require the most help get the assistance, and also monitors the progress of the students through meetings with parents, school teachers and principals on a regular basis.
GIVE encourages the gopis to also learn Vedic knowledge by learning and reciting Bhagavat Gita skolas, chanting the Hare Krishna Mahamantra and attending kirtan programs and spiritual lectures.
In 2024, 30 of our gopis will go onto higher education (to become doctors, lawyers etc). The educational fees for the higher education ranges from £500 to £1750 per year. Around 37 gopis may not continue with the education due to family and social pressures.
The intended impact and outcomes of the Project are as follows
- To empower the Gopikas to look forward to a bright future based around education and a career, which in due course, gives them an opportunity to serve their families and communities in a fulfilling manner.
- To allow the Gopikas to have independence to be able to determine their own vision of life
- To create a very valuable resource for the villages/communities to grow economically as the Gopikas go through the education system and subsequently into the workforce.
- To create future leaders who, with compassion and love, will guide and help people of need.
- Improved health outcomes are also expected, as educated girls are more likely to make informed decisions about their well-being, reducing early marriages and pregnancies.

In 2023 we sponsored 367 Gopis at a cost of £76,000
If you would like to support this important initiative, please donate as follows:
Account name:
London Institute of Vedic Education
Account number:
Sort code:
23 05 80
Gopis education